Junk food, sedentary lifestyle and a negative significant stressors in your body that lead to obesity and visceral fat. It is rare that people realize that all fat is unhealthy places to have around the tum age. This is often the case that people with a lot of visceral fat has high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. They soon feel tired, which also allows them to focus more lethargic. Each activity has a strength so exhausted.

So how do you get rid of visceral fat? Before meeting 31 day fat loss cure review, you need to understand what really makes you fat. Many articles suggest that exercise, the normal diet, but nothing binge eating raw vegetables or you might have, and what to do to lose belly fat. It's all good. However, to reduce visceral fat, I'm more concerned about the basis of a very subtle, overlooked factor as compared to the mechanisms of your body and how your body reacts to food of a certain type that you feel and look severe than expected.

Some food - Trick or Treat?

What prevents the loss of visceral fat? When you eat, your body responds by secreting hormones after sending a message from the brain to the mouth, stomach, intestines and liver suggests that requires no food, no more. If this is not the case, we would still eat. If the body does not receive all the energy needed for the food you just ate, ate more the next time you are hungry to make up for it. It is a body's natural mechanism to ensure that it can function optimally. When you go on a starvation diet, your body will automatically take you to eat more when you eat.

Junk foods are low energy that your body can not digest quickly and store as fat and visceral fat, which clog your digestive system and make your body feel a lack of energy and want more. In general, you want to start refined sugar, caffeine, chocolate and other sugary foods that will give you an energy boost, increased sugar level in the blood for a short time and then disappear. Is that suppresses hunger, tired, weak and insufficient. These are just empty calories that are to be stored as fat. Therefore, a diet that is deprived of essential nutrients is not useful for the loss of visceral fat. This hike uppy-downy mildew is obliged to support and make you overeat. This will certainly totally against its goal of reducing visceral fat. Binge eating is deficient, especially binge night. It is often associated with depression or anxiety or stress response.

What should you avoid?
Canned or processed foods, refined sugar, white flour and made all of them are not good for the body. There is absolutely no nutrition in white flour and contains empty calories. Whatever advertising companies that sell different brands of foods such as artificial sweeteners, diet drinks or sugar-free products are able to alter the chemistry of your brain and probably end up eating more of these foods than usual, which in the end obese. Your brain is fooled into thinking that it is "safe" for you to eat those foods that are low in fat or sugar and eventually consume three times the amount of calories you normally would. When your body consumes artificial sweeteners, your taste buds signal the pancreas to produce insulin. The pancreas secretes insulin that the body is that sugar is not, of course, and deletes the existing sugar in your body. Therefore, the level of sugar in the blood is reduced below normal and feel more depressed, your body starts screaming "hungry" again.

What to eat?
Opt for honey when your body needs sugar. Do not go into a sort of fad diet idiot, as do private sensation. And when the urge comes from time to time she catches you eat something that is very rich in sugar and fat! For example, a quick meal at McDonald's or KFC unhealthy. Instead of opting for a program that is supposed to be low fat or margarine, refined oils, donuts, cakes and pies, fried foods, do something with fresh organic vegetables and use of oil olive oil, fresh butter or oil sesame oil or flax (cold pressed). Have the right balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in your meals! Eat healthy foods as soon as possible and in the right proportions slowly wonders. Begin to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salads, nuts and shellfish. Avoid red meat, choose fish instead.

 Foods that are abundant in omega-6 fatty acids are good for the body and brain. Not all saturated fat is bad for you. It is simply not the saturated fat that comes from natural sources. As you know your body needs a certain amount of fat for various things, such as insulation prevents heat loss from the body to keep warm and to cushion the bones to move effectively.